Destructible buildings and object penetration and I don't mean the watered down destructible or penetratable that the Battlefield and CoD series and other series advertise where you can probably survive the Tsar Bomba hiding inside an old adobe shack or behind a cast iron fence, I mean "even in a large building, if something like a 155mm arty shell barrage lands on you, you and anyone inside is likely getting pink misted while a significant portion, if not all of it collapses" destructible/penetrateable. with lots of matching themed towns and cities to play on. Massive maps with detailed terrain and biomes. Now then, as for the Arma franchise itself, let's describe what it is.Īrma is a tactical shooter/milsim series that goes for an authentic/semi realistic approach to the gameplay (well, at least up until 3, more on that later), and focuses heavily on strategy and tactics as a team more then many shooters out there to accomplish tasks set in the game, some of the features that are seen throughout the series are things such as.

(I guess Arma: Intellectual Property Crisis would've been a better name in hindshight.)

Bohemia, not willing to get fucked out of their legacy so easily, Renamed Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis to Arma: Cold War Crisis as they wanted to continue on the same style of game, though this name change wasn't done until fairly recently to fully disown itself from Codemasters vision of how to continue the franchise. This was because Bohemia interactive actually made the first Operation Flashpoint, however, when they split from their publisher, Codemasters (who later made OFP 2 and Red River), they got to keep the rights to the name of the series. Ok, let's begin with the modest task of describing "What the fuck is this game anyway?"Īrma III is the third sequel to Operation Flashpoint, I know what some confused people are about to say who don't the backstory to that "But, Operation Flashpoint had a Sequel and a standalone expansion!"