This crucial error in judgement of spending every available man, woman, and tiger in the attack might come back to haunt the group on tonight’s episode. Imagine if the Wolves for example, had attacked now? There would be nothing Alexandria could do about it. Rick Grimes’ group might have overextended their prowess on the Sanctuary front, leaving Alexandria a sitting duck for would-be Savior forces or else-wise. Sending out the defenses has left Alexandria itself, defenseless. What I alluded to on last week’s Walking Dead preview is finally coming to fruition, the fight is coming back to Alexandria.
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Who dies in season 11 of The Walking Dead?. The Walking Dead: ‘How It’s Gotta Be’ Sneak Peak Time will tell if Eugene finally commits to a flag in this battle or continues to sit on the sidelines, observing. Eugene was simply unable to sentence Dwight to certain death by informing Negan, though he still finds the Savior side to be the winning one. It appeared Eugene was about to fully give in to the Negan side last week, before Dwight entered the room. Smarty Pants has the ability to swing the war one side or the other. Somehow, the man who always seem to want to blend into the background has become a key player with great potential power. Meanwhile, we saw Eugene go through true inner turmoil. Eugene Porter is an impact player in this Rick/Negan war How long can will Sheriff Grimes be able to keep posturing while he makes out the status of Savior affairs? We’ll find out on tonight’s The Walking Dead. Jadis and the Scavengers have betrayed him once before, if they since Rick has been telling tall tales about his group’s strength, they’ll likely do it again. The current state of Sanctuary and the war is currently in an unknown state to Rick as he leads a group of still uncertain allegiance.
It was all going well and good until Rick discovered Daryl had gone through with his trucker plan in Sanctuary. The Scavengers then relented with one Jadis hand-wave and decided they would follow-through with Rick Grimes agenda. Naturally, officer friendly passed the test with flying colors, punishing several Scavengers using the Walker before turning his attentions to Jadis herself.
It was another Scavenger-esque test of wills challenge for Rick Grimes on the last episode of The Walking Dead, as he faced metaled-up walker #2. Rick Grimes finally got Jadis and the Scavengers on his side on the last Walking Dead episode but it could be too little, too late…